Research Progress Meeting (RPM) at LBNL

The RPM is a weekly seminar for recent results in Particle Physics, Dark Matter and Cosmology.
Please send all suggestions for future RPM topics and speakers to the RPM Committee.
Information for RPM presenters, hosts, and audience can be found here.
Questions about the RPM policy or organization should be sent here.
You can subscribe to our google calendar by clicking here.
Talks are archived here.

The RPM Committee currently consists of:

Dan Carney (Chair)
Satya Gontcho A Gontcho
Wei-Ming Yao

Upcoming Seminars:

October 10, 2024 – Ibles Olcina (LBNL)
October 22, 2024 – Julien Carron (UNIGE)
October 24, 2024 – Kaja Rotermund (LBNL)
October 31, 2024 – Vinicius Mikuni (LBNL)
November 5, 2024 – Elisabetta Manca (UCLA)
November 7, 2024 – Taylor Hoyt (LBNL)

Administrative Support

Liz Worthy
Phone: 510-486-5853; MailStop: 50R5026; LBNL Office Location: 50-5050

Please submit suggestions for speakers or topics by emailing the RPM Committee
This link gives Guidelines for RPM Speakers, Chairs and Dinner Hosts