Abstract: The fact that 85% of the gravitating mass in the universe is invisible is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in fundamental physics today. If this dark matter was not present, galaxies would fly apart and the universe would not develop the right amount of structure at the right time for you to exist and attend this RPM. Despite its abundance, dark matter has yet to be directly detected in experiments on Earth. Why? The possible mass range for a dark matter particle extends from a fraction of the proton mass to the mass of a typical protein, and these particles are thought to interact very weakly with normal matter. In fact, potential dark matter interactions summed over the lifetime of a direct detection experiment would be swamped by the radioactivity of a single banana. I will talk about the future of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment with a focus on its veto systems, which will be critical to ensure the quality of a future detection or to set the strongest limits possible. I will also talk about an exciting new idea to increase the sensitivity of LZ to low mass dark matter and spin-dependent interactions by doping its xenon with a light element like hydrogen. Finally, I will motivate the need for active veto systems and hydrogen-capable cryogenics in a future G3 detector.
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