ABSTRACT: (This is a Hybrid/ZOOM Meeting)
Gravitational waves offer a powerful probe of early Universe phenomena. A particularly well-motivated BSM target for gravitational wave experiments is a first order phase transition in a dark sector, where bubbles of true vacuum nucleate and expand in a background of false vacuum. We will discuss several new ideas related to gravitational wave signals from such dark phase transitions, including novel forms of gravitational wave signals beyond the traditionally studied ones sourced by bubble collisions and sound waves, as well as prospects of detecting phase transitions that could have been responsible for the production of dark matter through various nonthermal mechanisms.
Join Zoom Meeting:
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94367647939?pwd=EJQRjhlaGc4dFFqT1c1WEtRSnVRZz09Meeting ID: 943 6764 7939
Passcode: 531399Time: 4:00 PMConference Room Location: 50-5132Bibhushan Shakya (DESY) Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/bibhushan-shakya