The elemental abundance patterns of stars encode a wealth of information about the history of the Milky Way galaxy and the astrophysical processesthat create atomic nuclei. I will describe some of what we have learned about the origin of elements in the Milky Way from the SDSS APOGEE survey, which has measured detailed abundance patterns (typically 15-18 elements
per star) for half a million stars. The average chemical enrichment and the relative contributions from core collapse (massive star) supernovae and Type Ia (white dwarf) supernovae changes systematically with position in the Galaxy. However, the observed median trends of element abundance ratios are nearly independent of position, and the abundance pattern of
a typical APOGEE star can be described with two free parameters and residuals at the few-percent level. By isolating the enrichment pattern of core collapse supernovae we can test theoretical models of massive star evolution and black hole formation. Other elements such as nitrogen and cerium provide clues to the mixing of nuclear-processed material within intermediate mass stars. The most important degeneracy in Galactic chemical evolution models is the tradeoff between the overall yield of heavy elements (sensitive to black hole formation) and the ejection of elements in galactic winds. Measurement of deuterium and helium-3 can help break this degeneracy because these isotopes originate primarily or entirely in the big bang.
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