Creating, manipulating and detecting coherent, entangled quantum states and isolating quantum systems from decoherence is at the heart of future quantum information science technologies. With the rise of novel instruments in quantum electronics, the coherent emission and control of free electron beams become relevant in various fields of physics. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the research performed in Tuebingen (Germany) and at the LBL Molecular Foundry where we are currently realizing the QUINTESSENCE QIS project. The aim is to use the matter-waves of electrons, superconductivity and correlation detection to develop novel quantum techniques and applications in sensor technology, electron microscopy and signal transmission. Such experiments are demonstrated with a biprism electron interferometer. We realized a correlation sensor for electromagnetic and vibrational perturbations and a secure signal transmission method by matter-wave modulation. Furthermore, I will present a characterization setup for a superconducting niobium nano-tip field emitter. This beam source has the potential to emit entangled electron pairs that open up new modes in quantum information, quantum metrology and electron spectroscopy. To achieve long coherence times in future quantum instrumentation, a basic understanding of decoherence, being the transition from a quantum to a classical state, is crucial. We studied experimentally the Coulomb-induced decoherence of electrons in a superposition state and were able to rule out three of four current theoretical approaches in the literature. It allows the development of novel non-invasive techniques for quantum electron microscopy.http://physics.lbl.gov/rpm/index.php/events/
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