Research Progress Meeting
Date: June 15, 2023
Time: 4:00- 5:00 pm
Location: Sessler Conference Room- 50A-5132 [In-Person and HYBRID]
Speaker: Frank Tackmann
Title: Theory uncertainties and correlations in perturbative predictions
Abstract: Theoretical predictions that are used in interpreting experimental
measurements require reliable uncertainties and correlations.
However, the prevalent method to estimate uncertainties in perturbative
predictions in high-energy physics, based on varying unphysical scales, lacks
both reliability and the ability to correctly treat correlations.
This is a severe limitation in precision studies where theory uncertainties
are of comparable size to experimental ones.
I will highlight a couple of such examples, including determining
Higgs couplings to bottom and charm from the Higgs pT spectrum, a recent
determination of the strong coupling from the Drell-Yan pT spectrum by ATLAS,
and the measurement of the W-boson mass at hadron colliders.
I will give a conceptual overview of theory uncertainties and our current
estimation methods at a non-technical level accessible to non-experts.
Finally, I will discuss the development of a new concept of theory nuisance
parameters, which promises to overcome (most of) the limitations of scale
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