The ATLAS Detector is in the process of upgrading its Trigger and Data Acquisition system to include global processing of tracks using the FastTracKer (FTK). The FTK uses a parallelized structure to identify and reconstruct the properties of tracks from the 98 million channels of the the ATLAS silicon detectors. With the use of hardware-level pattern matching and a two-tiered track-fitting system, this reconstruction can be performed on all events passing the first-stage ATLAS trigger, with a rate up to 100 kHz and requiring less than 100 µs per event. These capability opens new doors for b-jet and tau triggering, allows for the suppression of pile-up effects on missing energy triggers, and can even be used to isolate BSM signatures involving long-lived particles. This talk will discuss the physics case for the FTK, an overview of its design, and its integration status.