SPECIAL RPM – Physics Division |  How to Land a Faculty Position: A Panel Discussion with Senior Scientists in the Physics Division


In this panel discussion postdocs and students will have the opportunity to ask senior division scientists about how the faculty hiring process typically works and labs and universities, and how to put together a winning faculty application. The panelists will …

SPECIAL RPM – Physics Division |  How to Land a Faculty Position: A Panel Discussion with Senior Scientists in the Physics Division Read More »

 James Unwin (UIC) “The Prospect of Nearby Primordial Black Holes”  

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

Abstract: Primordial Black Holes are a potential candidate for explaining some, or even all, of the experimentally inferred dark matter abundance. In this talk I will motivate the existence of Primordial Black Holes and discuss their potential role as a …

 James Unwin (UIC) “The Prospect of Nearby Primordial Black Holes”   Read More »

SPEAKERS: Gabriel Orebi-Gann, Simone Ferraro, & Kevin Lesko – Snowmass Report Highlights – Part 2

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

ZOOM Information: Join Zoom Meeting https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94367647939?pwd=UEJQRjhlaGc4dFFqT1c1WEtRSnVRZz09 Meeting ID: 943 6764 7939 Passcode: 531399 This is a HYBRID Meeting Sessler Conference Room: 50A-5132 Abstract: The Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise (a.k.a. “Snowmass”) is organized by the Division of Particles and Fields …

SPEAKERS: Gabriel Orebi-Gann, Simone Ferraro, & Kevin Lesko – Snowmass Report Highlights – Part 2 Read More »

HYBRID TALK | Mengjiao Xiao (MIT) “In Search of Cosmic-Ray Antinuclei from Dark Matter with the GAPS Experiment”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

Abstract: The origin of dark matter is a driving question of modern physics. Finding dark matter in the laboratory and elucidating its properties could revolutionize our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. The common challenges for dark …

HYBRID TALK | Mengjiao Xiao (MIT) “In Search of Cosmic-Ray Antinuclei from Dark Matter with the GAPS Experiment” Read More »

HYBRID TALK| Hee-Jong Seo “Accelerating Universe through DESI”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

Abstract One of the most intriguing questions in physics today is the nature of dark energy that is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Three-dimensional maps of galaxies from spectroscopic galaxy surveys provide a giant laboratory to test the …

HYBRID TALK| Hee-Jong Seo “Accelerating Universe through DESI” Read More »

SPEAKER: Simone Pagan-Griso – Snowmass Report Highlights – Part 3

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

TITLE: Snowmass Report Highlights - Part 3 SPEAKERS: This week, we'll have highlights of the Theory, Rare-Processes and Precision, and Community Engagement Frontiers, presented respectively by the following: Simon Knapen - Theory Frontier Dave Brown - Rare-Processes and Precision Frontier Erin …

SPEAKER: Simone Pagan-Griso – Snowmass Report Highlights – Part 3 Read More »

SPEAKER – Edward Callaghan – (UCB) – Optical Neutrino Detectors of the Past, Present, and Future

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

TITLE: Optical Neutrino Detectors of the Past, Present, and Future ABSTRACT: Large-volume optical detectors are a mainstay of experimental neutrino physics, with several successful implementations in the past decades and larger models on the horizon. Traditionally, such detectors make use …

SPEAKER – Edward Callaghan – (UCB) – Optical Neutrino Detectors of the Past, Present, and Future Read More »

SPEAKER – Andrzej Novak – RWTH Aachen University – Title: Searches for Higgs to Charm Decays with the CMS Experiment using Novel ML Methods

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

TITLE: Searches for Higgs to Charm Decays with the CMS Experiment using Novel ML Methods ABSTRACT: Searches for charm decays of the Higgs boson are not only limited by the small coupling but primarily by the considerable difficulty of identifying …

SPEAKER – Andrzej Novak – RWTH Aachen University – Title: Searches for Higgs to Charm Decays with the CMS Experiment using Novel ML Methods Read More »

SPEAKER: Yuan-Tang Chou (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) – TITLE: Searches for Exotic Higgs Boson Decays with Modern Machine-Learning Methods at the LHC

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/91782268585 50A-5132

THIS RPM WILL BE AT 12:00 P.M. NOON - November 17, 2022 TITLE - Searches for Exotic Higgs Boson Decays with Modern Machine-Learning Methods at the LHC  ABSTRACT - Advances in machine learning have shifted the paradigm in how we …

SPEAKER: Yuan-Tang Chou (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) – TITLE: Searches for Exotic Higgs Boson Decays with Modern Machine-Learning Methods at the LHC Read More »