Kevin Crowley (UCB) “The View From Down Here: Ground-Based Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background from the Atacama Desert”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The study of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies has become a percent-level science constraining the accepted cosmological model ΛCDM. The most powerful measurements thus far have been made from space, but observations from the Earth’s surface can be …

Kevin Crowley (UCB) “The View From Down Here: Ground-Based Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background from the Atacama Desert” Read More »

Roger O’Brient (U. Washington) “Superconducting Detectors for Cosmology and Ultra-High Energy Physics”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The BICEP program has thus far constrained the tensor scalar ratio r<0.036, approaching the gravitational lensing floor.  This was possible in large part because of innovations in detector technology at JPL.  In my talk, I will describe the antenna-coupled …

Roger O’Brient (U. Washington) “Superconducting Detectors for Cosmology and Ultra-High Energy Physics” Read More »

Kelly Johnson, Talent Outreach Program Manager (LBNL) “Talent Outreach Program 101”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Kelly Johnson, Talent Outreach Program Manager, will share details about the Talent Outreach Program Office, including the various hiring and outreach programs for adult workers from underrepresented groups (women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities) that are available to the …

Kelly Johnson, Talent Outreach Program Manager (LBNL) “Talent Outreach Program 101” Read More »

Kaori Fuyuto (LANL) “A Cross-Frontier Quest to Reveal the Origin of the Universe”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The Standard Model (SM) is the most well-tested theory of elementary particles that make up the known Universe. However, there are still some major puzzles that cannot be accounted for by the SM in our Universe, e.g., matter-antimatter asymmetry of the …

Kaori Fuyuto (LANL) “A Cross-Frontier Quest to Reveal the Origin of the Universe” Read More »


HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

TBA If you are looking to confirm if there is an event, due to room reservation, please go to RPM website for a list of all scheduled talks. ────────── Troy Cortez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom …

TBA Read More »

Nicholas Rodd (CERN) “Looking Beyond Dark Matter in Axion Haloscopes”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The coming decade will bring dramatic improvement in the axion dark-matter program as new experimental designs move beyond the proof of principle stage. In this talk I will outline two signals beyond dark matter that these instruments could discover. …

Nicholas Rodd (CERN) “Looking Beyond Dark Matter in Axion Haloscopes” Read More »

Gustavo Marques Tavares (UMD) “Dark Sector Signals from Extreme Astrophysical Environments”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: Dark sectors are well motivated extensions of the Standard Model that can address many of the most important open questions in particle physics, such as the particle nature of dark matter, origin of neutrino masses, and the Higgs hierarchy …

Gustavo Marques Tavares (UMD) “Dark Sector Signals from Extreme Astrophysical Environments” Read More »

Ashutosh Kotwal  (Duke University) “High Precision Measurement of the W-Boson Mass with the CDF II Detector”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

***This Research Progress Meeting is scheduled to be a Zoom Talk. Below, please find the Zoom Meeting information to join the talk.*** Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Physics Division Special Research Progress Meeting Monday, April 11, 2022 ZOOM Talk:   …

Ashutosh Kotwal  (Duke University) “High Precision Measurement of the W-Boson Mass with the CDF II Detector” Read More »

Pier Monni (CERN) “Taming the Complex Dynamics of Scattering Events”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract:  The pioneering investigation of the fundamental laws of nature at the Large Hadron Collider builds upon the interpretation ofcomplex scattering events. Our ability to identify small signals of elusive new phenomena therefore depends on accurate theoretical simulations which describe …

Pier Monni (CERN) “Taming the Complex Dynamics of Scattering Events” Read More »

Ran Itay (SLAC) “MicroBooNE’s New Results from the Deep-Learning-Based  Search for an Electron Neutrino Excess”

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: The MicroBooNE detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) located on-axis in the  Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermi National Laboratory. One of the primary goals of the experiment is to investigate the excess over background expectations …

Ran Itay (SLAC) “MicroBooNE’s New Results from the Deep-Learning-Based  Search for an Electron Neutrino Excess” Read More »