Tova Holmes (ATLAS) "The FTK: Global Tracking for the ATLAS Trigger"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The ATLAS Detector is in the process of upgrading its Trigger and Data Acquisition system to include global processing of tracks using the FastTracKer (FTK). The FTK uses a parallelized structure to identify and reconstruct the properties of tracks …

Tova Holmes (ATLAS) "The FTK: Global Tracking for the ATLAS Trigger" Read More »

Larry Lee (Harvard) "Searches for Sneaky SUSY at the ATLAS Experiment"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: Despite the lack of a sparticle discovery at the Large Hadron Collider, and despite the fact that most of the discovery potential has shriveled to an upsetting size, supersymmetry (SUSY) remains the most motivated solution to the Standard Model's …

Larry Lee (Harvard) "Searches for Sneaky SUSY at the ATLAS Experiment" Read More »

Ben Nachman (LBNL) and Mateus Ploskon (LBNL) "Jet Substructure"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: The LBNL xTalk (“cross-talk”) series provides a forum for the exchange of ideas between groups and across lab divisions.  Each seminar is focused on a theme which is confronted from two perspectives.  In particular, the talks are given by …

Ben Nachman (LBNL) and Mateus Ploskon (LBNL) "Jet Substructure" Read More »

Cora Dvorkin (Harvard) "Discovering New Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Cosmological Data Sets"

70A-3377 70A-3377

Abstract: Cosmological observations have provided us with answers to age-old questions, involving the age, geometry, and composition of the universe. However, there are profound questions that still remain unanswered. I will describe ongoing efforts to shed light on some of …

Cora Dvorkin (Harvard) "Discovering New Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Cosmological Data Sets" Read More »

Kev Abazajian (UC, Irvine) "Candidate Signals and Stringent Constraints from Dark Matter in the Sky"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: I will discuss analyses leading to two recent candidate detections of photons from dark matter. Specifically, these are: first, gamma rays in a continuum "bump" at a few GeV which can be due to WIMP-like dark matter annihilation in …

Kev Abazajian (UC, Irvine) "Candidate Signals and Stringent Constraints from Dark Matter in the Sky" Read More »

Bertrand Echenard (Caltech) "Probing light dark matter with the LDMX experiment"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: Elucidating the nature of dark matter is one of the central challenges in fundamental physics. Dark matter originating as a thermal relic from the early Universe is arguably one of the most compelling paradigm, and WIMP searches have been …

Bertrand Echenard (Caltech) "Probing light dark matter with the LDMX experiment" Read More »

Simeon Bird (JHU) "Strong Absorbers in the Lyman-alpha Forest and Primordial Black Holes"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: Strong HI absorbers are essentially the largest foreground contamination for Lyman alpha forest surveys, and so a better understanding of them is necessary for achieving the goals of future Lyman alpha cosmology surveys. I will talk about a new …

Simeon Bird (JHU) "Strong Absorbers in the Lyman-alpha Forest and Primordial Black Holes" Read More »

Barnabas Poczos (CMU) Title: Distribution Regression and its Applications

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract:  The most common machine learning algorithms operate on finite-dimensional vectorial feature representations. In many applications, however, the natural representation of the data consists of more complex objects, for example functions, distributions, and sets, rather than finite-dimensional vectors. In this …

Barnabas Poczos (CMU) Title: Distribution Regression and its Applications Read More »


HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Anthony Pullen (NYU) Title: Revealing CII Emission with LSS Cross-correlations

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: In this talk, I will present our joint measurement of cosmic infrared background (CIB) and CII line emission from large scales at redshift z=2.5 using an MCMC analysis of cross-correlations of the 3 high-frequency Planck bands with both SDSS-III …

Anthony Pullen (NYU) Title: Revealing CII Emission with LSS Cross-correlations Read More »