Federico Meloni (DESY) Hunting Wino and Higgsino Dark Matter at the Muon Collider

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Events containing disappearing tracks originating from the decay of a heavy and electrically charged long-lived particle to a pair of undetectable particles are key to the discovery of compelling minimal dark matter models at collider experiments. This talk will …

Federico Meloni (DESY) Hunting Wino and Higgsino Dark Matter at the Muon Collider Read More »

Timon Heim (LBNL) “Moving from the Prototyping to the Production Phase for the Inner Tracker Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: As part of the Phase 2 upgrade of the ATLAS detector to ready it for operation at the High-Luminosity LHC the inner tracking system will be replaced by an all silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). The Pixel and Strip system …

Timon Heim (LBNL) “Moving from the Prototyping to the Production Phase for the Inner Tracker Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector” Read More »

Louise Skinnari (Northeastern)   Track-triggering at CMS for the High-Luminosity LHC  

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

​Abstract:  ​The high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), scheduled for 2025-2027, will significantly increase the instantaneous luminosity of the LHC collisions. The resulting large proton-proton collision datasets will allow precise measurements of Higgs​ boson​ properties, searches for …

Louise Skinnari (Northeastern)   Track-triggering at CMS for the High-Luminosity LHC   Read More »

Jamie Boyd (CERN)  The FASER Experiment at the CERN LHC: Looking Forward to New Physics

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The Forward Search Experiment (FASER) is the newest experiment at the LHC, approved in 2019 and recently installed into the CERN LHC complex. It is a small and inexpensive experiment placed 500 meters downstream of the ATLAS interaction point. …

Jamie Boyd (CERN)  The FASER Experiment at the CERN LHC: Looking Forward to New Physics Read More »

Alberto Lusiani (INFN)  “Muon magnetic anomaly measurement to 0.46 ppm at FNAL”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

ABSTRACT:   The Dirac equation predicted that the g-factor of spin 1/2 particles be 2, but in 1948 Julian Schwinger calculated that quantum electrodynamics (QED) fluctuations increase the electron and muon g-factor such that the anomaly a_(μ) = (g_(μ) − 2)/2 = α/2π at first order. …

Alberto Lusiani (INFN)  “Muon magnetic anomaly measurement to 0.46 ppm at FNAL” Read More »

Martin Savage (University of Washington) “Quantum Simulations for HEP and NP”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Theoretical predictions of the properties and dynamics of quantum many-body systems of importance to  High-energy and nuclear physics research are anticipated to require, in many instances, beyond classical computational resources.  Such systems may be amenable to quantum simulations in …

Martin Savage (University of Washington) “Quantum Simulations for HEP and NP” Read More »

Xiaosheng Huang (USF) “Strong Gravitational Lenses Discovered in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

ABSTRACT:We have discovered over 1500 new strong lensing candidates in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging Surveys using residual neural networks.  The photometric redshifts of the candidate lenses are broadly distributed between 0.1 and 1.  Follow-up observations are …

Xiaosheng Huang (USF) “Strong Gravitational Lenses Discovered in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys” Read More »