Masayuki Wada (Princeton) " WIMP Dark Matter Search from Ionization Channel in DarkSide-50"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract:   In spite of a wide range of observational evidence, the mystery of dark matter is still present and dark matter remains to be directly detected. One of the most popular Dark Matter candidates is the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP). In …

Masayuki Wada (Princeton) " WIMP Dark Matter Search from Ionization Channel in DarkSide-50" Read More »

LianTao Wang (U. Chicago) " Physics of Future Colliders"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: After the discovery of the Higgs boson, the future of high energy physics became a central question. There have been several proposals of future colliders which would continue the exploration of the high energy frontier beyond the reach of …

LianTao Wang (U. Chicago) " Physics of Future Colliders" Read More »

Yoshikazu Nagai (U. Colorado) "Understanding Neutrino Beams: Hadron Production Measurements with NA61/SHINE"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: A precise prediction of the neutrino flux is a key ingredient for achieving the physics goals of accelerator-based neutrino experiments. In modern experiments, neutrino beams are created from the decays of secondary hadrons produced in hadron-nucleus interactions. Hadron production …

Yoshikazu Nagai (U. Colorado) "Understanding Neutrino Beams: Hadron Production Measurements with NA61/SHINE" Read More »

Emanuele Castorina (UCB) "Cosmology with Neutral Hydrogen in the Post Eeionization Era"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies and, more recently, of the distribution of galaxies at late times led us to the definition of a concordance cosmological model, the so called LCDM model. Despite its phenomenological success, several …

Emanuele Castorina (UCB) "Cosmology with Neutral Hydrogen in the Post Eeionization Era" Read More »

Simon Knapen (IAS) "The Soft Frontier in Dark Matter Direct Detection"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: Searches for high energy signatures from beyond the standard model physics have advanced greatly, but a lot of ground remains to be covered for soft, low energy signals. In the context of dark matter direct detection, future single-phonon detectors …

Simon Knapen (IAS) "The Soft Frontier in Dark Matter Direct Detection" Read More »

Dean Robinson (UCSC/LBNL) " Model-Independent Pathways to New Physics"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: New methods and novel strategies are needed in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Motivated by signals of lepton flavor universality violation in semileptonic B decays, I'll discuss state-of-the-art theoretical developments and new model-independent theoretical tools …

Dean Robinson (UCSC/LBNL) " Model-Independent Pathways to New Physics" Read More »

Richard Bonventre (LBNL) "Investigating Lepton Flavor and Number Violation with the Mu2e and SNO+ Experiments"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: Neutrino oscillation measurements have shown that lepton flavor is not conserved, and that the standard model must be extended to include neutrino mass. Neutrino-less double beta decay measurements will help understand the nature and origin of neutrino mass, while …

Richard Bonventre (LBNL) "Investigating Lepton Flavor and Number Violation with the Mu2e and SNO+ Experiments" Read More »

Miaoyuan Liu (Fermilab) ""Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so — Uncover new physics with bosons at the LHC and upgrades of the CMS detector to maximize the discovery potential""

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The Standard Model describes the building blocks of matter and their interactions. It has been tested extensively with experimental data and found to be incredibly successful in describing nature. Discovering the Higgs boson in 2012 at the LHC completed …

Miaoyuan Liu (Fermilab) ""Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so — Uncover new physics with bosons at the LHC and upgrades of the CMS detector to maximize the discovery potential"" Read More »

Florian Beutler (U. Portsmouth) "Exploring Fundamental Physics with Galaxy Redshift Surveys"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: In this talk, I will present various ways in which we can use galaxy redshift surveys to constrain fundamental physical models. This year the DESI experiment will launch, collecting a dataset of about 50 million galaxies and Quasars. Using …

Florian Beutler (U. Portsmouth) "Exploring Fundamental Physics with Galaxy Redshift Surveys" Read More »

Aleksandra Dimitrievska and Karol Krizka "A Very Selective Summary of the Moriond QCD and EW Sessions"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: Many new results from a wide range of particle physics experiments and theoretical predictions were shown at the 54th Rencontres de Moriond. On the experimental side, they included updated ATLAS/CMS analyses (many using the full Run 2 dataset), probes …

Aleksandra Dimitrievska and Karol Krizka "A Very Selective Summary of the Moriond QCD and EW Sessions" Read More »