Simone Ferraro (LBNL) "Lighting up the Dark Universe"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Recent progress in cosmological observations reveal a simple yet strange universe. Our preferred cosmological model relies on mysterious components such as Dark Matter, Dark Energy and an early period of accelerated expansion. The challenge in the next decade will be …

Simone Ferraro (LBNL) "Lighting up the Dark Universe" Read More »

Andreu Font (U. College London) – "Cosmology with the Lyman alpha forest: challenges and opportunities”"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

From 2009 to 2014, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) used the SDSS telescope to obtain spectra of 1.5 million galaxies to get very accurate measurements of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) scale at redshift z ~0.5. At the same …

Andreu Font (U. College London) – "Cosmology with the Lyman alpha forest: challenges and opportunities”" Read More »

Lisa Barsotti (MIT) "Squeezing the most out of gravitational wave detectors"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: The recent observations of gravitational waves have been enabled by a new generation of LIGO detectors, Advanced LIGO, the most sensitive laser interferometers ever built. In my talk I will review the main scienctific results from the first two …

Lisa Barsotti (MIT) "Squeezing the most out of gravitational wave detectors" Read More »

Sven Vahsen (University of Hawaii) – Directional Dark Matter Searches via Charge Cloud Tomography

With WIMP-nucleon scattering limits approaching the neutrino floor, and coherent neutrino-nucleon scattering experimentally established, there is renewed interest in directional detectors as a means to penetrate the neutrino floor. The CYGNUS collaboration aims to deploy multiple gas Time Projection Chambers …

Sven Vahsen (University of Hawaii) – Directional Dark Matter Searches via Charge Cloud Tomography Read More »

Colin Hill (IAS) – "Fundamental Physics from the Foreground-Obscured Microwave Sky: Inflation, Neutrino Masses, and Beyond"

The cosmic microwave background (CMB) remains a key source from which to extract information about fundamental physics, due to its clean, well-understood origin and immense constraining power on many types of new physics. The next decade of CMB observations will …

Colin Hill (IAS) – "Fundamental Physics from the Foreground-Obscured Microwave Sky: Inflation, Neutrino Masses, and Beyond" Read More »

George Smoot (UCB/LBNL) "Reinterpreting Low Frequency LIGO/Virgo Events as Gravitationally-Lensed Magnified Stellar-Mass Black Hole Mergers at Cosmological Distances"

Abstract:  Though dismissed by most, we claim that strong gravitational lensing of the gravitational waves for merging black holes explains the high mass binary black hole mergers observed by LIGO/Virgo explains the apparent 30 M_Sun events better than any alternative …

George Smoot (UCB/LBNL) "Reinterpreting Low Frequency LIGO/Virgo Events as Gravitationally-Lensed Magnified Stellar-Mass Black Hole Mergers at Cosmological Distances" Read More »

Paolo Calafiura (LBNL) HL-LHC Computing Challenges

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

The current models for HL-LHC computing show order-of-magnitude resource shortages with large uncertainties. Business-as-usual is not an option unless we accept limiting HL-LHC physics reach, particularly for precision studies. A  grassroots initiative called the HEP Software Foundation has been collecting ideas and …

Paolo Calafiura (LBNL) HL-LHC Computing Challenges Read More »

Gustavo Branco (CFTP-IST, Univ. de Lisboa, Portugal) – "Multi-Higgs Models, The Flavor Problem and the Origin of CP Violation"

We analyse two-Higgs-Doublet extensions of the Standard Model, paying special attention to novel mechanisms for natural suppression of scalar Flavor-Changing-Neutral-Currents and their imllementation in specific models. Some of the most salient implications of these models will be presented. The possibility …

Gustavo Branco (CFTP-IST, Univ. de Lisboa, Portugal) – "Multi-Higgs Models, The Flavor Problem and the Origin of CP Violation" Read More »