Chihway Chang (KICP/U. Chicago) "Cosmic Surveys in the Next Decade: Mapping the Landscape of the Universe"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: Cosmology in the next decade will be driven by data. Exploiting the information one can extract from the ongoing and upcoming large surveys will give us the power to stress-test the LCDM model with unprecedented precision and open up windows …

Chihway Chang (KICP/U. Chicago) "Cosmic Surveys in the Next Decade: Mapping the Landscape of the Universe" Read More »

Alex Drlica-Wagner (FNAL) "Using Cosmic Surveys to Understand the Fundamental Nature of Dark Matter"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: The existence of dark matter is strong evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model. While laboratory and collider searches for dark matter have advanced rapidly over the past several decades, astrophysical observations currently provide the only robust, positive, …

Alex Drlica-Wagner (FNAL) "Using Cosmic Surveys to Understand the Fundamental Nature of Dark Matter" Read More »

Heather Gray (LBNL) Title: The Higgs and the Quarks; Probing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC in 2012 relied predominantly on studies of the bosonic decay modes. However, there is a rich structure in the Yukawa sector of the Higgs boson.  Studies of the direct coupling …

Heather Gray (LBNL) Title: The Higgs and the Quarks; Probing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson Read More »

Daniel Scolnic (U. Chicago) "Measuring Dark Energy with Supernovae and Kilonovae"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

ABSTRACT: The next decade will be the golden age of cosmology with transients. In this talk, I will present new analyses of Type Ia Supernovae that mark the most precise measurement of dark energy to date. I will go over …

Daniel Scolnic (U. Chicago) "Measuring Dark Energy with Supernovae and Kilonovae" Read More »

Zeynep Demiragli (CMS / MIT) "Search for Dark Matter: CMS Strikes Back!"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN are at the energy frontier of particle physics, searching for answers to fundamental questions of nature. In particular, dark matter (DM) presents strong evidence for physics beyond the standard …

Zeynep Demiragli (CMS / MIT) "Search for Dark Matter: CMS Strikes Back!" Read More »

Haichen Wang (LBNL) Title: The Higgs boson and the top quark share the stage

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The top quark plays an important role in the collider phenomenology of the Higgs boson, and the study of the interplay between the top quark and the Higgs boson may provide key insights to some critical questions in particle …

Haichen Wang (LBNL) Title: The Higgs boson and the top quark share the stage Read More »

Lauren Tompkins (Stanford U.) "The World’s most complicated game of Bingo: Pattern Recognition at the Energy-Intensity Frontier"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: In 2012 the ATLAS and CMS experiments discovered the Higgs Boson, firmly establishing the Standard Model as the dominant paradigm for subatomic particle interactions.  Many expected the Higgs discovery to be one of several discoveries at the energy frontier, …

Lauren Tompkins (Stanford U.) "The World’s most complicated game of Bingo: Pattern Recognition at the Energy-Intensity Frontier" Read More »

Julien Guy (LBNL) "The DESI Project, Construction Status and Prospects for Precise Cosmological Distance Measurements with Lyman-Alpha Forests"

HYBRID 50A-5132 (Sessler Conference Room), 50A-5132

Abstract: The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument is a multi-object spectrograph composed of a wide field corrector, a 5000 robotically positioned fiber system, and 10 3-arms spectrographs. The instrument is installed this year on the Mayall 4-m diameter telescope at Kitt …

Julien Guy (LBNL) "The DESI Project, Construction Status and Prospects for Precise Cosmological Distance Measurements with Lyman-Alpha Forests" Read More »