Karol Krizka (U. Chicago) "Dark Matter Mediators and Dijet Resonance Searches by the ATLAS Experiment"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract:Using 13 TeV pp collisions, the ATLAS experiment has used a collection of dijet resonance searches (high-mass dijet, trigger-level dijet and dijet+ISR) to search for new particles with masses ranging from 200 GeV to 7 TeV. This talk summarizes the …

Karol Krizka (U. Chicago) "Dark Matter Mediators and Dijet Resonance Searches by the ATLAS Experiment" Read More »

Zackay Barak (Weizmann Institute of Science) Algorithms for searching Fast radio bursts, pulsars in tight binary systems and "Planet 9"

Abstract: Fast radio bursts (FRB's) are an exciting, recently discovered, astrophysical transients which their origins are unknown. Currently, these bursts are believed to be coming from cosmological distances, potentially allowing us to probe the electron content on cosmological length scales. …

Zackay Barak (Weizmann Institute of Science) Algorithms for searching Fast radio bursts, pulsars in tight binary systems and "Planet 9" Read More »

Eleonora Di Valentino (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris) "New Constraints on Extensions of the Standard Cosmological Model"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements from the Planck mission have significantly improved previous constraints on the neutrino masses, as well as the bounds on extended models with massive sterile neutrino states or extra particles, …

Eleonora Di Valentino (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris) "New Constraints on Extensions of the Standard Cosmological Model" Read More »

Michael James Wilson (Institute of Astronomy, U. Edinburgh) "Extracting precision tests of gravity from the intricate pattern of galaxies"

50A-4133 (Director's Conference Room)

ABSTRACT: Galaxy redshift surveys deliver increasingly precise tests of gravity on cosmological scales and shed light on the uncertain nature of Dark Energy. I will present the VIPERS (http://vipers.inaf.it) census of the galaxy distribution at redshift 0.8 and describe its …

Michael James Wilson (Institute of Astronomy, U. Edinburgh) "Extracting precision tests of gravity from the intricate pattern of galaxies" Read More »

Siyuan Sun (Harvard) "Gaining Sensitivity to New Physics with a Compressed Mass Spectra at the ATLAS Experiment"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

ABSTRACT The ATLAS experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) searches for experimental ev- idence of many new beyond the standard model physics at the TeV scale. As we collect more data at the LHC we continue to extend our sensitivity …

Siyuan Sun (Harvard) "Gaining Sensitivity to New Physics with a Compressed Mass Spectra at the ATLAS Experiment" Read More »

Kirit Karkare (Harvard) "B-Mode Polarization Results from BICEP/Keck Array and Beam Systematics in Current and Next-Generation CMB Experiments"

Abstract: The BICEP/Keck Array cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiments located at the South Pole are a series of small-aperture refracting telescopes focused on the degree-scale B-mode signature of inflationary gravitational waves.  I will present our latest results which have …

Kirit Karkare (Harvard) "B-Mode Polarization Results from BICEP/Keck Array and Beam Systematics in Current and Next-Generation CMB Experiments" Read More »


Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca