Prof. V.M. Datar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India) "The India based Neutrino Observatory project"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The Indian effort to build an underground laboratory for rare processes is outlined. The flagship experiment, based on the 50 kiloton Iron Calorimeter, will measure atmospheric muon neutrinos and antineutrinos, separately, and will target the open problem of the …

Prof. V.M. Datar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India) "The India based Neutrino Observatory project" Read More »

Joint Physics and ATAP Divisions Seminar | William Barletta (USPAS/ MIT) & Martin Breidenbach (SLAC) "Accelerator Research in the U.S. for High Energy Physics: A biased perspective"


Abstract: The U.S. could move boldly toward accelerating transformational accelerator research for high-energy physics. Profound questions remain to be answered in particle physics; recent discoveries reconfirm the value of continued investments. However, going beyond the present generation of high energy …

Joint Physics and ATAP Divisions Seminar | William Barletta (USPAS/ MIT) & Martin Breidenbach (SLAC) "Accelerator Research in the U.S. for High Energy Physics: A biased perspective" Read More »

Francois Bouchett (IAP) "Latest Cosmological News from the Planck Satellite Project"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Sketched out in 1992, selected by ESA in 1996, and launched in 2009, the Planck satellite was shut off in 2013, after a measuring mission that exceeded all expectations. The Planck collaboration delivered a first set of cosmological data …

Francois Bouchett (IAP) "Latest Cosmological News from the Planck Satellite Project" Read More »

Evan Pease (UCB/Yale) "New results from the 332-live-day exposure of the LUX dark matter experiment"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Earlier this year the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment completed its final dark matter search from 4850 feet below ground in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. Between September 2014 and May 2016 the LUX detector …

Evan Pease (UCB/Yale) "New results from the 332-live-day exposure of the LUX dark matter experiment" Read More »

Leslie Rosenberg (Univ. of Washington) "The Axion Dark-Matter Experiment (ADMX)"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

ABSTRACT: The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle whose existence would explain the baffling absence of CP violation in the strong interactions. Axions also happen to be a compelling dark-matter candidate. Axions could comprise the overwhelming majority of mass in …

Leslie Rosenberg (Univ. of Washington) "The Axion Dark-Matter Experiment (ADMX)" Read More »