Jennifer Thomas (UCLA; Univ. of Wisconsin) " Cheap as CHIPS – Large Water Cherenkov Detectors: Faster and Cheaper"

Title: Cheap as CHIPS - Large Water Cherenkov Detectors: Faster and Cheaper Abstract: CHIPS is an R&D program focused on designing and fabricating a cost-effective large water Cherenkov detector (WCD) to study neutrino oscillations. Traditional WCD's with a low energy …

Jennifer Thomas (UCLA; Univ. of Wisconsin) " Cheap as CHIPS – Large Water Cherenkov Detectors: Faster and Cheaper" Read More »

Lifan Wang (Texas A&M)

Title: The Latest Development of Optical/NIR Astronomy at Dome A, Antarctica Abstract: Dome A, the highest spot on Antarctic plateau is likely the best site for ground-based astronomy. I present in this talk an update on the recent progresses in …

Lifan Wang (Texas A&M) Read More »

Walter Hopkins – Using Direct Stop Searches at ATLAS to Constrain the Parameter Space of Supersymmetric Models

Abstract: A summary of the search for direct stop production in the 0-lepton channel is presented using 20  TeV data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. One of the stop decay modes considered is a stop decay to …

Walter Hopkins – Using Direct Stop Searches at ATLAS to Constrain the Parameter Space of Supersymmetric Models Read More »

Benjamin Schmidt (KIT, Germany) "Background discrimination capabilities and recent results of the EDELWEISS-III direct dark matter search experiment"

Abstract: The EDELWEISS collaboration is operating a large set of 36 massive cryogenic Ge detectors for the direct detection of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) in the underground laboratory of Modane, France (LSM). The twofold detector readout in ionization and …

Benjamin Schmidt (KIT, Germany) "Background discrimination capabilities and recent results of the EDELWEISS-III direct dark matter search experiment" Read More »

Miland Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory), "Challenges and Opportunities for a Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment "

Title: Challenges and Opportunities for  a Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment Abstract: Neutrino mass and mixing is one of the few indications of new physics beyond the standard model, and new theoretical and experimental work is needed to understand neutrino properties …

Miland Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory), "Challenges and Opportunities for a Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment " Read More »

Special RPM – Yifang Wang (IHEP, China) "CEPC-SPPC: an initiative in China for the future of HEP"

INPA Common Room (50-5026) 50-5026

Abstract: Since the discovery of Higgs, the future of HEP is a key question to the community.  Needless to say, accelerator-based energy frontier of HEP is still playing the central role, and a right approach is vital for the health …

Special RPM – Yifang Wang (IHEP, China) "CEPC-SPPC: an initiative in China for the future of HEP" Read More »

Zack Slepian (Harvard University) "The Baryon-Dark Matter Relative Velocity and a New Approach to the 3-Point Correlation Function"

“The Baryon-Dark Matter Relative Velocity and a New Approach to the 3-Point Correlation Function” Due to their different behaviors before decoupling (z~1020), at high redshift (z~50) there is a relative velocity between baryons and dark matter that is coherent on …

Zack Slepian (Harvard University) "The Baryon-Dark Matter Relative Velocity and a New Approach to the 3-Point Correlation Function" Read More »

Simon Fiorucci (Brown Univ.) "The latest on the LUX dark matter experiment: How it got there, and where it is going"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: LUX has set the standard for direct dark matter detection experiments since its result announcement in 2013. In order to get there, several years of science planning and incremental successes had to happen. Today LUX serves a dual purpose: …

Simon Fiorucci (Brown Univ.) "The latest on the LUX dark matter experiment: How it got there, and where it is going" Read More »

Ken Heller (Univ. Minnesota) "NOνA Begins – First Results from the NOvA Neutrino Oscillation Experiment"

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The NOνA long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment has just completed its initial data run and the analysis of that data. This run constitutes about 8% of the planned data. The first run resulted in a measurement of the oscillation …

Ken Heller (Univ. Minnesota) "NOνA Begins – First Results from the NOvA Neutrino Oscillation Experiment" Read More »