Brendon Aurele Bullard (Harvard) “Toward Precision Measurements of the Higgs Yukawa Couplings” 

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: With the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, high energy physics has entered an era in which all fundamental particles predicted by the Standard Model have been observed. With no conclusive observations of physics beyond the Standard Model, precision tests …

Brendon Aurele Bullard (Harvard) “Toward Precision Measurements of the Higgs Yukawa Couplings”  Read More »

Maria Mironova (Oxford) “First Direct Constraint on the Higgs-Charm Coupling and its Expected Evolution with the ATLAS Detector Upgrade”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

 The coupling of the Higgsboson to charm quarks has eluded experimental observation since the Higgs boson discovery in 2012. At present, this is the largest contribution to possibleHiggs boson decays that is not experimentally verified. However, this measurement is …

Maria Mironova (Oxford) “First Direct Constraint on the Higgs-Charm Coupling and its Expected Evolution with the ATLAS Detector Upgrade” Read More »

Vetri Velan (UC Berkeley) “The Present and Future of Dark Matter Direct Detection”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

  Dark matter is one of the primary unsolved problems in modern particle physics. Since the late 1980s, physicists have been trying to directly detect dark matter particles passing through the Earth, typically by searching for nuclear recoils. This search …

Vetri Velan (UC Berkeley) “The Present and Future of Dark Matter Direct Detection” Read More »

Field Rose Rogers (MIT) “The GAPS Antarctic Balloon Experiment: Low-energy Antinuclei for Dark Matter Detection”

Abstract:  Despite overwhelming evidence of abundant dark matter in the Universe, the nature of this material remains a mystery. The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) is an upcoming NASA Antarctic balloon mission to search for signatures of dark matter annihilation or …

Field Rose Rogers (MIT) “The GAPS Antarctic Balloon Experiment: Low-energy Antinuclei for Dark Matter Detection” Read More »

Afroditi Papadopolou (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Lepton-Nucleus Scattering Constraints For Neutrino Interactions And Oscillations

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Neutrinos exist in one of three types or “flavors” (νe ,νµ or ντ ), which oscillate from one to another when propagating through space. This phenomenon is one of the few that cannot be described using the Standard Model …

Afroditi Papadopolou (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Lepton-Nucleus Scattering Constraints For Neutrino Interactions And Oscillations Read More »

Alissa Monte (UCSB) “Using Active Vetoes and Hydrogen Doping to Strengthen Dark Matter Discovery Potential with Xenon”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Alissa Monte (UCSB) "Using Active Vetoes and Hydrogen Doping to Strengthen Dark Matter Discovery Potential with Xenon" Abstract: The fact that 85% of the gravitating mass in the universe is invisible is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in fundamental …

Alissa Monte (UCSB) “Using Active Vetoes and Hydrogen Doping to Strengthen Dark Matter Discovery Potential with Xenon” Read More »

RPM – Physics Division | Aaron Manalaysay (LBNL) “Xe: The Element Designed to Detect Dark Matter”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: Despite nearly four decades of direct searches, the identity of dark matter in the universe is still unknown.  The hunt for dark matter is especially alluring because, not only is this abundant substance extremely elusive, it also holds promise: …

RPM – Physics Division | Aaron Manalaysay (LBNL) “Xe: The Element Designed to Detect Dark Matter” Read More »

Scott Kravitz (LBNL) “Pushing Dark Matter Detection to the Limit with Machine Learning and Solid Xenon”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract:  Discovering the particle properties of dark matter is a global undertaking, necessitating many experimental approaches to cover the vast range of possible models. Massive particles such as WIMPs remain leading candidates, and may be within the reach of state-of-the-art …

Scott Kravitz (LBNL) “Pushing Dark Matter Detection to the Limit with Machine Learning and Solid Xenon” Read More »

Kirit Karkare (U.Chicago) “Pushing the Limits of Cosmology with Next-Generation Millimeter-Wave Telescopes”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

ABSTRACT: While the Lambda-CDM cosmological model is remarkably effective at describing the Universe and its evolution as a whole, foundational questions remain. Where did the primordial fluctuations come from and why were they so uniform? What is causing the present-day …

Kirit Karkare (U.Chicago) “Pushing the Limits of Cosmology with Next-Generation Millimeter-Wave Telescopes” Read More »