ABSTRACT: The last twenty years have seen a spectacular improvement in our understanding of neutrino oscillations and neutrino physics in general. However, several experiments have shown some puzzling results which do not fit the standard three-flavor mixing scheme of neutrinos. …
Stefano Soleti (Oxford/Harvard U.) "Searching for a Low-Energy Excess at MicroBOONE" Read More »
Abstract: A large international collaboration has been formed to carry out an ambitious project to build the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) for investigating fundamental questions in neutrino and proton decay physics. The DUNE far detector consists of four time-projection …
Abstract: Current and future galaxy surveys have the potential to transform our understanding of both galaxy formation and cosmology. The distribution of galaxies and matter on small, non-linear scales (~Mpc) holds the most statistical constraining power but is also the …
Joannes Lange (Yale) "Probing Galaxy Formation and Cosmology in the Non-Linear Regime" Read More »
Abstract: The measurement of the Yukawa coupling of the top quark and the Higgs boson, namely the two most massive fundamental particles observed so far, is a crucial piece for understanding the mechanism of fermion mass generation. The most promising …
Abstract: Galaxy surveys and the study of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) have played an important role in establishing the standard cosmological model, LCDM, and will push the envelope of observational cosmology the next decades, thanks to experiments such as …