Abstract: The Mu2e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavor violating (CLFV) neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus, reaching a 90% C.L. limit of 8x10^-17 on the conversion rate. …
Abstract: The effect of dark matter and dark energy in the universe can be inferred through measurements of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The quantum effect of new physics on collisions at the Large Hadron Collider can be …
Tom Melia (Kavli IPMU – Japan)“ ‘CMB-ing’ the Search for New Physics at Colliders” Read More »
Abstract: The discovery of the Higgs boson has revealed that the quartic Higgs self-coupling becomes small at very high energy scales. Guided by this observation, I introduce Higgs Parity, which is a spontaneously broken symmetry exchanging the standard model Higgs …
Keisuke Harigaya (IAS) “ Physics beyond the standard model from Higgs Parity” Read More »
Abstract: Ever since the discovery, neutrinos have proven to be one of the most intriguing subatomic particles. In the past two decades, we have made tremendous progress in the establishment of the neutrino oscillation phenomenon. We are now able to …
Ka Vang Tsang (SLAC) “Imaging Neutrinos: Machine Learning in LArTPC” Read More »
ABSTRACT: Neutrino oscillation experiments such as NOvA and T2K search for the disappearance and appearance of muon and electron flavor neutrinos in a predominately muon-type beam. These experiments are currently measuring the oscillation parameters to greater precision but will not …
ABSTRACT: Theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics often predict new, light, feebly interacting particles whose discovery requires novel search strategies. A light particle, the QCD axion, elegantly solves the outstanding strong-CP problem of the Standard Model; cousins of …
Masha Baryakhtar (NYU) ” New Physics Across the Spectra” Read More »
ABSTRACT: Neutrino oscillation is a well-established phenomenon. Over the past two decades, nearly all of the parameters governing these oscillations have been measured experimentally, using neutrinos from the atmosphere, the sun, nuclear reactors, and particle accelerators. The remaining unknowns have …
Abstract: The Mu2e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavor violating (CLFV) neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus, reaching a 90% C.L. limit of 8x10^-17 on the conversion rate. This …
Abstract: Measurements of the universe's present-day expansion rate, or the Hubble constant (H0), that use a Cepheid variable star calibration of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are in >4σ disagreement with values predicted by the standard, Lambda cold dark matter …