Richard Bonventre (LBNL) “Searching for Muon to Electron Conversion: The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab”


Abstract: The Mu2e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavor violating (CLFV) neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus, reaching a 90% C.L. limit of 8x10^-17 on the conversion rate. This …

Richard Bonventre (LBNL) “Searching for Muon to Electron Conversion: The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab” Read More »

Adi Ashkenazi (Fermilab) “Probing V Interactions for V Physics”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The ability of current and next generation accelerator based neutrino oscillation measurements to reach their desired sensitivity requires a high-level of understanding of the neutrino-nucleus interactions. These include precise estimation of the relevant cross sections and the reconstruction of …

Adi Ashkenazi (Fermilab) “Probing V Interactions for V Physics” Read More »

Rodrigo Alonso (Durham U) “Geometry for Higgs Dynamics and Effective Field Theory”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The three Nambu-Goldstone bosons in the longitudinal modes of the W and Z  together with the Higgs boson span a 4-dimensional manifold. The geometry of this manifold, invariant under field re-parametrization, encodes the scalar dynamics which are vastly unexplored …

Rodrigo Alonso (Durham U) “Geometry for Higgs Dynamics and Effective Field Theory” Read More »

Seljak, Modi, Boehm (RPM)

Uros Seljak, Chirag Modi, Vanessa Boehm (LBL/Berkeley) How deadly is COVID-19?  A time series analysis of Italy mortality data Abstract: A counterfactual analysis of 2020 mortality data reported from towns in Italy, with data from the previous five years as …

Seljak, Modi, Boehm (RPM) Read More »

RPM – Physics Division | Ben Nachman (LBNL) “Gearing up for the 2021 APS DPF Community Planning Process (aka Snowmass)”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract: The American Physical Society’s Division of Particles and Fields is gearing up for its next community planning process (for historical reasons, called Snowmass).  This process will occur over the next year and culminate in a 10 year plan (with …

RPM – Physics Division | Ben Nachman (LBNL) “Gearing up for the 2021 APS DPF Community Planning Process (aka Snowmass)” Read More »


Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Ben Nachman (LBNL) “Modeling final state radiation on a quantum computer”

Zoom Talk 50A-5132, Berkeley, ca

Abstract:  Particles produced in high energy collisions that are charged under one of the fundamental forces will radiate proportionally to their charge, such as photon radiation from electrons in quantum electrodynamics. At sufficiently high energies, this radiation pattern is enhanced …

Ben Nachman (LBNL) “Modeling final state radiation on a quantum computer” Read More »